Competencies acquired after successful completion of an EOD II course at EOD Academy (Annex to the Certificate).
After a successful completion of EOD level II course the holder of this Certificate possesses EOD qualification level II in accordance with IMAS 09. 30 and following capabilities:
- Detailed knowledge of Land Service Ammunition (LSA) and their relative fusing systems (thrown: hand grenades, riffle grenades; projected: mortars, projectiles, small ammunition, rockets; placed: AP and AT Landmines, dropped: submunition) and Safety Considerations associated with those types of ammunition,
- Awareness of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and Booby Traps (BT),
- Knowledge about principles of functioning of explosives and explosive trains and Safety Considerations associated with explosives,
- Ability to manage BAC and humanitarian demining teams,
- Competency in assisting in execution of Low Order and Render Safe Procedures,
- Competency in assisting in incident/accident investigation,
- Basic Life Savior/First Aid skills and ability to develop appropriate evacuation plans and procedures,
- Basic knowledge about requirements for safe storage and transportation of explosives,
- Know-how in identification, use and maintenance of appropriate search/marking tools and equipment for humanitarian demining and battle area clearance procedures, their capabilities, limitations and acceptable limits of deviation,
- Understanding of the role of Quality Assurance,
- Ability to identify information requirements, appropriate sources of information, interpret relevant technical information and provide advice on EOD-related matters within their own area of expertise,
- Skills for determining whether, when and how to move EO, when appropriate, to develop and implement effective EO movement plan,
- Ability to implement appropriate protective measures,
- Capacity in providing appropriate advice and develop efficient and effective plan for the remediation of cleared areas,
- Knowledge about recording and reporting procedures in all stages of BAC, location and general disposition of EO, including final disposal of EO and remediation measures,
- Competence in providing adequate post activity reports.

On request
15 days
3750,00 € plus VAT, including teaching material, document fee, and catering services (coffee break I, lunch, coffee break II).