For technical supervisory staff in explosive ordnance disposal according to §20 SprengG
Modular training A 4 + internship + A 1

Modular training

The Senior Technical Supervisor in the ERW clearance (german: Fachtechnisches Aufsichtspersonal, FTA) is also known in German as Feuerwerker or Truppführer.
With this training, according to §20 SprengG, the student acquires the authority to handle ERW in the context of hazard prevention.
The activities of senior technical supervisors include:

  • Planning, management, and supervision of subordinate personnel (ERW clearance workers)
  • Planning and monitoring of heavy construction equipment and drilling equipment
  • Selection and utilization of the most suitable detection technology and survey work
  • Evaluation of computer-assisted detection data
  • Unsupervised excavation of ERW
  • Identification and risk assessment of ERW

The training period lasts four months and consists of:

  • Introductory course “Search Techniques for Finding ERW” – (module ERW clearance worker; 3 weeks)
  • Building knowledge and skills of different detection methods in ERW clearance operations – Many detectors from various manufacturers are available at our training facility, including a physical 3D training platform, providing our students’ theoretical studies and hands-on experience. This subject includes the excavation and subsequent identification of detected signals as well

Internship (4 Weeks)
Search and excavation techniques, consolidation of the skill sets already acquired.
Basic course for technical supervisors in ERW clearance according to §20 SprengG (Germany), 9 weeks.

Training subjects

  • Legal basics according to the German explosives law
  • Training in detecting, excavating, and recovering ERW, storing and handling explosive ordnance within the business premises; acquisition and transfer of custody of ERW
  • Examination before the examination board of the government of Upper Bavaria (oral, written, and practical exams)

On request

80 days/ 8 hrs each

13.550,00 € plus VAT.
Costs incl. teaching material, examination, and document fee as well as catering services (coffee break I, lunch, coffee break II).
We accept education vouchers. Please get in touch for further information.

Special admission requirements

Certificate of participation in government certified courses according to § 32 1. SprengV (Germany) after the successful practical, written and oral examination to obtain a permit according to § 20 / or a permission according to § 7 SprengG (Germany).