Identification, hazards, response

Letter and parcel bombs

This course applies to civil servants, officials, judiciary, airport staff, security staff, journalists, and company employees.

  • Construction and effects of letter and parcel bombs and related IEDs
  • Raising the awareness of employees receiving mail (psychological aspects, communication in dangerous situations, actions after receipt of a suspicious mail item)
  • X-ray technology (handling, X-ray image analysis and X-ray inspection systems)
  • vPractical work on the X-ray inspection system
  • Live demolitions for demonstrative purposes

On request

8 hrs

895,00 € plus VAT.
Costs incl. teaching material, examination, and document fee as well as catering services (coffee break I, lunch, coffee break II).

  • Personal security clearance certificate
  • Application process may take up to 10 weeks
  • Proof of relevant employment by the participants’ employer

» Application for the issue of a clearance certificate in accordance with § 34 1. SprengV (German only)


For closed groups, individual appointments can be arranged upon request.