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Dear reader,


We added the following glossary to translate, or instead to explain, some German technical keywords that are difficult or quite impossible to translate into English. The German language can be technical and descriptive at times; however, some designations’ literal translation may lead to misunderstandings in the English version (at best). Below is an attempt, explaining some specific technical terms of our business in German language and introducing the English designations we are using instead.

We hope you will find the following pages informative and easy to read. Please feel free to contact us at any time, should anything be unclear to you.

Please note, some options mentioned on the following pages may only apply to German nationals. We will be happy to answer your questions in this regard.

  • Kampfmittelbeseitigung (the disposal of explosive ordnance, applies to both military and government services) – Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
  • Kampfmittelbeseitigungsdienst (KMBD) – State EOD Service
  • Kampfmittel (the term applies both to legacy munitions as well as modern munitions) – Explosive Ordnance (EO)
  • Fundmunition (literal: “munition that has been found”; is explosive ordnance, which has not been under permanent government control; in Germany mostly legacy munitions from two hot and one cold war) – here translated as ERW incl. Landmines
  • Kampfmittelraeumung (the clearance of explosive ordnance)ERW clearance, ERWC
  • Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung (a certificate from the government clearing you for certain activities that may involve the handling of arms, ammunition, explosives, etc.) – personal security clearance certificate
  • Befaehigungsschein (the permit documenting your qualification and allowing you to work as a Technical Supervisor in ERWC) – permit according to § 20 SprengG
  • Fachkunde (subject matter expertise which needs to be confirmed through examination in front of a board)– subject matter expertise
  • Staatlich anerkannt – government certified
  • Fachtechnisches Aufsichtspersonal in der Kampfmittelbergung (FTA)– Senior Technical Supervisor ERWC or Technical Supervisor ERWC 
  • Truppführer – Senior Technical Supervisor ERWC (course A.2)
  • Hilfstruppführer – Technical Supervisor ERWC (course A.1)


EOD Academy